Energy Modeling and Engineering

Energy Modeling

Demonstrating compliance with applicable Energy Codes is now a requirement for all new buildings in Western Canada.

Hydromaxx has been engaged in the design, engineering, and energy modeling of Mid-Velocity HVAC systems since its inception, Hydromaxx holds multiple patents on systems , systems configuration and equipment. We work with developers, builders, architects, and homeowners on projects ranging from single-family, low rise to high-rise residential developments. We work with our partner companies to provide sustainability solutions for:


All new Part 3 buildings and, in some cases, even renovations to Part 3 buildings, are subject to the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB). Versed in the full range of compliance options provided by the code.

BC Energy Step Code

All Part 3 buildings subject to the BC Energy Step Code (ESC) require energy modeling to fixed energy targets and airtightness testing during construction. 

Energy Modeling

Energy modeling for the purposes of energy and capital/operating cost minimization, or to provide guidance on realizing energy targets. 

Residential (Part 9 Buildings)

9.36 Energy Efficiency Compliance

9.36 compliance analysis and documentation. Part 9 can utilize Performance Path (energy modeling), or Prescriptive and Prescriptive Trade-off Paths when needed (ex. renos and additions).  

BC Energy Step Code

If your jurisdiction is on Step Code two things will be required for your project: i) energy modeling and reporting that demonstrates your project will hit the applicable energy targets, and ii) airtightness testing of the actual building during the construction phase of the project.  Step Code will be adopted province-wide for all Part 9 buildings not later than the end of 2022. Our Eco-Friendly HVAC packages at 2-2.5 ACH have been known to achieve the requirements of Step 4 in the BC Energy Step Code.

Final reports are reviewed by our partner professional engineer can be packaged for grant applications for Government Incentives or Utility Rebates. Our packaged Eco-Friendly HVAC systems fit well with programs such as the recently introduced Fortis  30/30 rebated program in B.C. Canada. Under the Fortis 30/30 program rebates can exceed $6000.00 per unit for qualifying customers and building designs. Additionally other jurisdictions in Canada and the US, Gas Utilities and Electrical Utilities offer rebates for qualifying customers that utilize AHRI approved Air Conditioning/Heat Pump equipment, all our Carbon Zero HVAC packaged systems are AHRI certified. Our Eco Friendly natural gas systems  offer NRCAN P.9.11 approved performance ratings with one of the highest efficiency ratings in the industry.

All this means no matter the system you choose, our Carbon Zero or Eco Friendly we have you covered for maximum efficiency and maximum rebate potential.



Proper mechanical design of Mid-Velocity HVAC systems is critical for optimum performance of your heating and cooling application. Hydromaxx has extensive knowledge and experience in the overall design ,ducting layout and engineering of Mid-Velocity heating and cooling systems for single family, townhomes and low rise/ high rise applications. In conjunction with our engineering partners, we use our years of experience to identify potential design complications such as unnecessary drops in ceilings, structural pinch points with engineered beams and point loads, diffuser locations for optimum air distribution , systems cost, mechanical room dimensions and locations to maximise usable floor space. In addition, our engineering partners can provide full design services to provide one stop shopping for our customers.


Engineering Design

  • Mid Velocity HVAC Systems
  • Plumbing Systems
  • Ventilation Systems
  • Natural Gas Systems
  • Drainage Systems

Construction Phase Supervision

  • Provide supervision and related services for construction sites.

Energy Use Review

  • As energy costs rise it is critical that you monitor, review and update processes to ensure that efficiencies in your consumption and review of Energy Modeling Reports

Design Build

  • From scope of work to designs ready for implementation of all Mid-Velocity HVAC applications.

Construction Site Inspection

  • Affordable and quality site inspection services.


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